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Why Do I Have Vaginal Itching During Pregnancy?

Mood swings, morning sickness, nauseous, tiredness and headaches are a few of the common symptoms of pregnancy. Most pregnant women may have experienced some of these symptoms; however, vaginal itching during pregnancy is also common. It’s not necessary that all women might experience this itching in their vaginal area during pregnancy. If you are experiencing vaginal itching, you don’t need to worry, as there can be many reasons behind its occurrence.

What Exactly is Vaginal Itching?

It is a medical condition where the skin in and around the vagina become itchy, inflamed and irritated. Pregnant women may experience an increase in vaginal discharge that may irritate the skin of the vulva. However, vaginal itching during pregnancy can be caused by an allergic reaction to lotion, soap, or detergent and infection.

What Causes Itching in Vaginal Area During Pregnancy?

Go through the below points to know the reasons which are responsible for vaginal itching during pregnancy:

Yeast Infection

Your pelvic area experiences an increase in blood flow during pregnancy which causes engorgement of the vaginal area, thus making it susceptible to infection. You can found a small amount of yeast in the vagina. Hormonal changes during pregnancy mess up with the vagina’s pH balance and make it vulnerable to infections. Eventually, the yeast present in the vagina will multiply, causing intense itchiness, pain and smelly discharge. You can treat this easily with over-the-counter medication such as anti-fungal ointments, creams or tablets; however, consult a Meddo gynecologists’ before taking these medications.

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Bacterial Vaginosis

It is a common cause of itching in vaginal area during pregnancy. Bacteria are found in the vagina, and when the balance between good and bad bacteria changes, it can lead to bacterial vaginosis. Itching, Burning pain while urinating, soreness, inflammation and foul-smelling discharge are common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. Consult top Meddo gynecologists‘ and use the prescribed antibiotics to treat the bacterial infection.

Increase in the Vaginal Discharge

During pregnancy, vaginal discharge increases because of the change in the pH levels, hormonal change and thickening of vaginal walls. An increase in the cervical mucus and vaginal discharge will lead to itching. If there is clear or white color discharge that is not smelly, it is because of pregnancy hormones. Though vaginal discharge protects the vagina sometimes, it can easily irritate the vulva skin, making it itchy and red. You need to keep your vaginal area dry and clean when you are experiencing increased vaginal discharge. Try using a cold compress or wash the affected area with water.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Sometimes vaginal itching and irritation are caused due to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as Chlamydia, Herpes, Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis and Syphilis. You must seek immediate help if you have STD, and your doctor will recommend the appropriate treatment.

Product-induced Irritation

The sensitive skin of the vagina can get irritated because of harsh detergents, lotions or soaps during pregnancy.  Sometimes vaginal skin becomes irritated because of lotions, condoms, perfumed soaps, douches, fabric softeners and detergents. Use fragrance-free, gentle lotions and soaps, hypoallergenic fabric softeners and detergents to treat vaginal irritation.


Are you having itching around your vagina public hair? If yes, then it can be due to crab lice or pediculosis. Crab lice are the tiny insect that feeds on the human blood, and since they are contagious, you can get infected from sexual transmission. You must reach out to your doctor to treat crab lice, as they may recommend chemical treatment.

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infection can also cause itching in vaginal area during pregnancy. It is generally due to the bacteria present in the urinary tract that causes pain, burning sensation during urination and itching.

How to Prevent Vaginal Itching During Pregnancy?

When you experience itching in your vaginal area during pregnancy, you should not try to self-medicate yourself. You should take over-the-counter medication only after consulting with the doctor. Try using these tips to reduce the itching in vaginal area during pregnancy:

  1. Use Cotton Underwear – You must wear loose cotton panties, and don’t op wearing spandex or lycra fibre panties because they will trap moisture alongside your skin which will cause itching.
  2. Stay Dry And Clean – You must make sure that the vaginal area remains clean and dry at all time. Try changing your underwear 2-3 times during the day to get rid of discharge and sweat. Even clean the area thoroughly after the intercourse.
  3. Use Wet Wipes – Try using fragrance, alcohol-free and gentle wet wipes to wipe your vaginal area after using the restroom.
  4. Use Cold Compress – Try using the cold compress to get rid of itching in the vaginal area. Wash the vaginal skin with cold water if the area is sensitive.
  5. Go for Hypoallergenic Products – You should use lotions, soaps, shower gels for washing the vaginal area and use the hypoallergenic product to wash your panties.
  6. Use Anti-Itch Cream – You should use anti-itch cream, over-the-counter medication after consulting your doctor to treat the itching in the vagina. Try sprinkling cornstarch-based powder on the itchy area to relieve the itching.
  7. Eat Yoghurt – Include yoghurt in your everyday diet as it helps in maintain balanced pH levels.
  8. Practice Good Hygiene – After going to the bathroom or having sex, make sure to clean the vaginal area.

When to Visit the Doctor?

If you are experiencing vaginal itching during pregnancy that is followed by symptoms like pain, and smelly discharge, then it’s time you consult the doctor right away to rule other infections and STDs. Remember, hormonal change and infections are the cause of itching in vaginal area during pregnancy. You should reach out to Meddo gynaecologist if you notice anything abnormal in your vaginal area like sores, raised bumps, cuts or ulcers.

Vaginal itching during pregnancy is a common issue in pregnant women and can be treated easily by the doctor once they have deduced its exact cause. However, it is recommended that you should practice good hygiene to keep the issue of vaginal itching at bay during pregnancy.